Indiana Jones: Quentin Tarantino thinks Crystal Skull is better than Last Crusade

Last Updated on September 2, 2022

Quentin Tarantino may not work for JoBlo, but he has recently opened up about something that would fit right in with our Unpopular Opinion articles. On August 3rd, Quentin, with his friend and past collaborator, Roger Avary, made an appearance on the ReelBlend podcast where, in a conversation about the Indiana Jones movie series, he revealed that he actually prefers the much-maligned fourth movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, to the third one, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Predictably, his fans were up in arms about this revelation.

Tarantino explained (as reported by CinemaBlend),

I like Crystal Skull more than the Sean Connery one. I don’t like the Sean Connery one. I don’t like (that) one at all. That’s such a boring one. It’s boring! And he’s not an interesting character. The joke is made immediately. It’s like Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot.”

When Avary weighed in, he didn’t quite share the exact sentiment as Quentin, but he did come out in favor of the fourth movie, saying that he liked it. Their opinions were in response to the co-host, Kevin McCarthy, who said that he doesn’t view Crystal Skull as a true sequel in the franchise.

Recently, the two directors, who famously wrote Pulp Fiction together (for which they share an Academy Award) started a new podcast, Video Archives, in which they talk about movies, no matter how obscure. The show is named after the old video store they worked at together.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is undeniably seen as the black sheep of the movie franchise, whether you like it or not, as its story veers toward more interstellar phenomena than religious relics. Quentin’s opinion, of course, always carries a little extra weight. That being said, I would side more with Roger Avary on this topic, but Tarantino definitely has a peculiar eye for cinema.

A fifth Indiana Jones sequel, yet to be named and directed by James Mangold, is set to be released next year.

What do you think? Can you see where QT is coming from?

Source: CinemaBlend

About the Author

2265 Articles Published

E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.