Saltwater: The Battle for Ramree Island: trailer unleashed for WWII horror

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

New trailer has just been released for the WWII-set creature feature Saltwater: The Battle for Ramree Island, which you can watch at the top of the article! Below is the official synopsis:

During the last desperate months of World War II, an Allied mission to regain Ramree Island off the coast of Burma ends in horror when an embattled group of soldiers find themselves trapped in dense swampland infested with deadly saltwater crocodiles. As the men are picked off one by one by the hungry reptiles, those that remain resort to increasingly desperate measures to survive the onslaught of carnage and get off the island alive.

Meanwhile, Saltwater: The Battle for Ramree Island – directed by Steve Lawson and starring Charlie Bond, Steven Dolton, Ryan Harvey, David Hon Ma Chu, Glenn Salvage, and Jas Steven Singh – is out right now (WATCH IT NOW)!

So what do you think? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Arrow in the Head

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