Saw’s Leigh Whannell unleashing a case of Cooties in new zombie-comedy

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

I don’t know about you guys but everywhere I turn people are telling me how awesome James Wan’s INSIDIOUS is. I know I’m slacking but you can bet I’ll be checking that shite out asap.

Now considering the positive word INSIDIOUS is scoring I bet you’d be interested in hearing what INSIDIOUS scribe Leigh Whannell has set up next, right? Right. Well it seems the genre scribe is taking a break from the norm and adding a little comedy to his horror.

You see the guys over at Bleeding Cool are reporting that Whannell’s (above left) next project is something called COOTIES. Already sold huh? Check out the pitch:

“I actually just wrote a comedy about a zombie virus that breaks out in a primary school but only effects people who haven’t been through puberty. There’s all these eight or nine year olds running around and the teachers are holed up inside the school. And the titles of the film is…? Cooties. That’s just an out and out comedy.”

So what do you guys think? COOTIES sounding like it has some potential? Hell a description like that from the mind of Leigh Whannell? Count me in! What says you guys? You down to catch some COOTIES? Hit us with your thoughts on the project below and keep it here for more on COOTIES as we hear it!


Source: Bleeding Cool

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