Screwheads at Fango

Last Updated on July 27, 2021

Here’s something to give EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL a run for it’s bloody money. Fango reports today that at their annual Weekend of Horrors this year in San Jose, not only will conventioners get to see the hot zombie dance troupe The Living Dead Girlz, but also splatter parody specialists The Primitive Screwheads.

Like what EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL had going, The Primitive Screwheads are known for dousing audience members in stage blood on more than one occasion, and what better way to do it than with the group’s interpretation of RE-ANIMATOR? Granted, I doubt we’ll be seeing Jeffrey Combs making the jump from guest to stage actor this year, but who knows?

For more info on who/what are appearing at this year’s Weekend of Horrors, head here. For you MySpace fans, head here for The Living Dead Girlz’s page, and here for The Primitive Screwheads.

Source: Fangoria

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