Trailer released for chill thriller Let it Snow!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

I'm someone who puts on the heater when my apartment (room) gets over 75 degrees, so anything snow related is pretty much out of the question for me. But I do enjoy winter based thrillers, whether they be CLIFFHANGER, JACK FROST, or the Shawn Ashmore FROZEN – so the upcoming LET IT SNOW looks pretty fun to me, if the trailer is anything to go by (which you can see for yourself at the top of the article).

Here's the official synopsis:

Separated from her fiance after sneaking onto a restricted slope, Mia, a free riding snowboarder, must survive not only against nature, but the masked snowmobile rider in black who's out for her blood.

Meanwhile, LET IT SNOW – directed by Stanislav Kapralov and starring Ivanna Sakhno, Alex Hafner, Tinatin Dalakishvil – will be released on DVD, digital and On Demand September 22nd!

So what do you guys think? Any bad snowboarding experiences you've had yourself? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Arrow in the Head

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