Chloe Moretz talks the upcoming Carrie remake; To include found-footage??

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

How are you guys feeling about Kimberly Peirce’s upcoming CARRIE reboot? From the looks of it people seem to be along for the ride… thus far that is.

Today we’ve got some new talk on this new CARRIE flick that might sway your interest in the project one way or the other. First up we’ve got the film’s star, and new ‘Carrie White,’ Chloe Moretz talking shop in the latest issue of Box Office Pro. While the interview mainly consisted of talk regarding Tim Burton’s DARK SHADOWS the upcoming CARRIE remake was eventually brought up. When asked what brought her to the role the young Moretz responded:

“It’s an amazing role, and I’m so excited to get in there and try to tackle it and see what I can change up. It’s already been done, and there’s already been the amazing, amazing Sissy Spacek version of it, but what I really want to do is spice it up and take a more modern, younger approach to it because I am going through what Carrie is going through. She’s figuring out who she is, and I just really want to get in there and see what I can do, feel it out.”

Then MGM CEO Roger Birnbaum let loose a little piece of info regarding the film at a recent talk he gave at the University of Denver. Per an anonymous student:

“The CEO of MGM, Roger Birnbaum, came and spoke at my university today… [he] made it sound like it’s going to be a “found footage” type of film. The film is going to have interviews with the survivors of the prom incident, and focus on that take.”

Well alright then. I know that’s a lot to take on but are you jiving with any of this? Be sure to let us know below as we wait for more on CARRIE before it’s March 15, 2013 release.

Source: Roger Birnbaum, Box Office Pro

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