Scott Pilgrim trailer? This Friday.

Want to be one of the first people in the world to see the trailer for SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD? Then get your ass on a plane and fly to the UK (or if you’re already in the UK just get on the Tube and head to your local theater). The 83-second teaser will run before prints of KICK-ASS this Friday. But wait, KICK-ASS doesn’t open until April, you’re saying to yourself. That’s here in the US (duh, you’ve got to be more globally aware…) but it opens this Friday in the UK. And will have a two-week jump on the US theatrical premiere.

But what about the rest of the world (and not the world that Scott Pilgrim is fighting)? I’ve heard rumors that the trailer will debut online around the same time that it debuts in front of KICK-ASS in London. When and where? Don’t have exact specifications just but as soon as it’s announced I’ll let you know. For the meanwhile, I’ll let you head over to your favorite travel planning site so you can start booking your flights. Try Virgin Atlantic. I heard they have these fancy little seats with dividing walls and they bring you pajamas and tuck you in at night. 1-UP.


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