Shoot ‘Em Up pics

You know how a lot of action movies tend to have all those really boring sections where people are talking and not shooting each other or bouncing random humans off the hoods of speeding vehicles? SHOOT ‘EM UP was practically engineered for audiences without the patience for all the “talky” nonsense.

The movie stars Clive Owen as a twin-pistol hero who protects a newborn baby, a mission that requires ventilating just about everyone who crosses his path. Paul Giamatti is the cackling villain, while Monica Bellucci plays a hooker of alarming hotness. The movie comes from writer/director Michael Davis, who convinced New Line of the project’s potential by showing animations of the flick’s wildly exaggerated action sequences.

Several pics from the upcoming movie (hitting in September) have been popping up online — you can check them out RIGHT HERE.

Source: Monsters and Critics

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