Super Bowl spots?

Come February 7, it’s assumed a whole lot of you will be plunked down on the couch, booze and nachos in hand, watching 30-second commercials that cost around $3 million. Oh, and watching the Super Bowl of course! Advertisers are counting on it.

As such, studios like Universal, Disney, and Paramount have all purchased prime television landscape to advertise their films on the date of the big game.

For Paramount, it’s confirmed that during the first and second quarters, you’ll see brand new spots for Marty Scorsese’s SHUTTER ISLAND, M. Night Shyamalan’s THE LAST AIRBENDER, and what will probably be one of the biggest movies of 2010, Jon Favreau’s IRON MAN 2.

Be sure to tune in or set your DVRs. Super Bowl XLIV airs February 7 on CBS. None football fans, worry not; Presumably all TV spots will find their way online shortly afterwards. Technology!

Source: Advertising Age

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