Review: The Brothers Solomon

Two brothers, desperate for love, try everything in the dating scene only to fall flat. Just as soon as they are about to give up on chicks, they get a call and discover that their dad has slipped into a coma. They learn from the doctor that their dying father’s last wish is to have a grandchild. Naturally, the brothers want to do their old man proud and grant him his wish…no? So, they throw down the gauntlet and make every attempt to impregnate a woman. Easier said than done…well not for these guys!

This movie is certainly not for everyone, more than likely it isn’t for most. Most will find it extremely dumb and not that funny at all. It’s too bad ‘cause it did have the right ingredients to be a good comedy. There were a lot of “little” laughs but there weren’t that many “big” laughs…if any. That said I did enjoy it a little but only because I’m a huge Will Arnett fan. If he wasn’t in this movie it would have sucked a lot more than it did. The brand of humor reminded me a lot of DUMB AND DUMBERER but no where near as funny. The brothers had this 60’s “golly-gee” humor that worked only some of the time (the other times were a bit embarrassing). It felt like this movie was based on a SNL sketch or a series of sketches made into a movie. Characters like this would have killed on the small screen (I would have tuned in every week). Unfortunately, on the big screen it just doesn’t have the same impact.

Will Arnett plays John Solomon. What can I say, I love the guy. He doesn’t have to say anything and he makes me laugh. This guy is gold. He made some really uncomfortable scenes quite funny. Or at least they were to me. This guy has a real hold on me, so I’m pretty much in for whatever other movie he makes, regardless if it’s bad or good. I miss ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!

Will Forte plays Dean Solomon. He was good and he played off Arnett’s character well. Unfortunately, I just never found the guy that funny to begin with. Did they make the perfect comedic duo…not really. I think Forte should stick to SNL for a bit and hopefully he won’t pull a Jimmy Fallon.

Kristen Wiig as the surrogate mother did absolutely nothing to the role. Chi McBride was pretty damn funny and the Six Million Dollar man was a welcomed surprise, too bad he didn’t do much other than just lie there.

I dunno, I thought it was Ok but a lot of the people in the audience were really humming and hawing and thought it was dumb. This movie is really for a very specific audience. Mostly for those who love the Arnett. Don’t even think about bringing your girlfriend unless you want to break-up with them. Realistically, the movie is a 4/10, but on a very personal side I’m giving it a 6/10.

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— by Tim

Review: The Brothers Solomon




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