Black Friday first look images: Bruce Campbell, Devon Sawa vs. shoppers

Bruce Campbell and Devon Sawa have both battled their own possessed right hands (if you don’t understand that reference, I highly recommend you watch Evil Dead II and Idle Hands as soon as possible), and now they’re teaming up to battle an army of alien-controlled shoppers in director Casey Tebo’s Black Friday, which is scheduled to have its world premiere at Fantastic Fest later this month. Ahead of the screening, a couple first look images have been released online and can be seen below (via Fantastic Fest).

In these images, we see Campbell’s character on his own, plus a group shot featuring Campbell, Sawa, and some of their co-stars, including Michael Jai White.

Scripted by Andy Greskoviak, Black Friday has the following synopsis:

Set on the busiest shopping night of the year, Black Friday, the story follows a group of disgruntled toy store employees who have to defend themselves from legions of holiday shoppers when a mysterious alien parasite sends them on a murderous rampage.

Ivana Baquero, Ryan Lee, and Stephen Peck are also in the cast.

Here’s how Fantasic Fest’s Logan Taylor describes the film:

A ragtag group of toy store employees get more than they bargained for when Black Friday shoppers mutate into violent monsters.

Everyone knows Black Friday is the worst day to work in retail. Something about a good deal turns even the sanest consumer into a wild animal. But the usual chaos and violence pales in comparison to what the employees of the “We Love Toys” store must face this time around.

Devon Sawa stars as a down-on-his luck father in the midst of divorce, lamenting his job as a low-level toy store employee. He and the other rambunctious, overworked crew of staffers are prepared for a typically exhausting Black Friday full of shoppers hungry for a deal, but they could never have expected the shoppers to turn into blood-hungry maniacs with only one goal: Come together to feed and combine their powers into something full-on Lovecraftian.

While Sawa continues his successful renaissance in the genre world with a refreshing turn as the cynical leader of the employees, it’s the inimitable Bruce Campbell who really surprises as the bumbling, uptight manager, Jonathan: a decidedly less heroic character than we’ve come to expect from him. Add in a healthy splash of outrageous gore and some ooey-gooey creature effects, and this is the soon-to-be-cult holiday horror movie you never knew you needed.

Casey Tebo’s horror-comedy is a delightfully entertaining, witty, and easily the best commentary on the dark side of capitalism since Dawn of the Dead. We hope you find the deals you’re looking for this Black Friday, shoppers!

Black Friday was produced by MFW Productions and Warner Davis of the Warner Davis Company. This movie sounds awesome to me, I can’t wait to see it.

black friday first look

Source: Fantastic Fest

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.