Evil animatronics revealed for Nicolas Cage horror film Wally’s Wonderland

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

So with the FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S film seemingly forever stalled, and that weird BANANA SPLITS movie not making much impact, it looks like it's up to Nicolas Cage to keep the "evil animatronics on the loose" thing alive single-handedly with his upcoming horror film WALLY'S WONDERLAND, about 

A quiet drifter is tricked into a janitorial job at the now condemned Wally's Wonderland. The mundane tasks suddenly become an all-out fight for survival against wave after wave of demonic animatronics. Fists fly, kicks land, titans clash — and only one side will make it out alive.

And now, thanks to a post on Twitter, we have a first look at what those evil animatronics terrorizing Cage are going to look like:

Yep, looks like those jerky, inhuman monstrosities that used to frighten my dreams as a child alright! It's also cool they're going for a practical solution, which seems like the obvious way to go, but Hollywood has CGI'd unnecessary things before.

Anyway, what do you guys think? You excited to see Nicolas Cage go full MANDY on these things? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Twitter

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