Cloverfield title & trailer?

It’s been a while since any COLVERFIELD news has graced this fair website, and boy was that a relief, because that shit was getting to be tiresome, right?! Well I’m happy to bring you all some real CLOVERFIELD news, as oppose to a random, essentially meaningless photo that unnecessarily sends the internet into a frenzy.

Comingsoon is reporting that on November 16, with the release of Robert Zemeckis’ BEOWULF, not only will we get a new trailer for J.J. Abrams’ mysterious monster movie, but we’ll get a long-awaited and much-anticipated title as well. That is all I will say on this matter, but I know that for a lot of you, this will be reason enough to see BEOWULF. Robert, I think you owe J.J.maybe a dinner at Nobu or something.


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