UPDATED: The incredibly awful trailer that instigated the violence in Libya

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

UPDATE: Many have commented on this article asking for the video to be taken down. While we do not support what is depicted in the video, it is the central focus of the violence that occurred in Libya and Egypt. YouTube has blocked access to the video in Libya and Egypt due to these events. While you may not agree with the contents, it is presented as part of the overall discussion of film and the impacts film has on our world.

The beauty of film, just like any artistic medium, is the freedom of expression. Everyone should be entitled to express their beliefs through any form possible. But, there is a difference between expression and hate. Sometimes people have so much anger and resentment that it comes across as nothing more than vitriol.

The tragic attacks on the US Consulate in Libya that resulted in the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others was spurned by a movie. The film (and I use the term film loosely) is titled INNOCENCE OF THE MUSLIMS. Director Sam Bacile has apparently gone into hiding due to the events in Libya and Egypt. Bacile, according to The Hollywood Reporter, says he made it on a $5 million budget raised from 100 Jewish donors; Bacile himself claims to be Israeli. The film supposedly screened once in July at an empty Los Angeles theater, and it was not until a trailer, dubbed in Arabic, began circulating online that it caused any sort of wave of anger..

I share this video not to give this person any undue exposure but rather to show that in our modern society where everything is accessible via the Internet, there are repercussions to what is committed to film. We are lucky here in North America to be able to have movies like FAHRENHEIT 9/11, 2016: OBAMA’S AMERICA, and even THE MASTER. These films, whether you agree or disagree with their subject matter, are competently made films that examine topics in a professional manner. What INNOCENCE OF THE MUSLIMS is is not a movie or a film. It is pure hate.

This movie would never have made it to the Middle East if not for the Internet. Without proper sources being cited, it has incited violence and death where it would never have been needed. Could this small, terrible movie have far reaching effects on what Hollywood is able to produce? Much like how RED DAWN had to change the villain from China to North Korea, will studio films now have to shy away from Middle Eastern villains?

After viewing this clip, please keep your comments respectful and on topic. This article is meant to share this news and is not a forum for anyone to spread any further hate.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter, YouTube

About the Author

5956 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a JoBlo.com editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been JoBlo.com's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.