Ernest P. Worrell is returning to the big screen

Do you remember the Ernest movies? If not, you likely weren’t a child of the Eighties. I have vivid memories of watching ERNEST GOES TO CAMP, ERNEST SAVES CHRISTMAS, ERNEST GOES TO JAIL, and even ERNEST SCARED STUPID. These are not Oscar movies in any way, but they are stupid fun, especially for the kid in you.

Ernest P. Worrell was played by the late Jim Varney who originated the role in regional commercials, national ads, and eventually a television show and movies. Ernest was a lovable moron clad in a baseball cap, a denim vest, and an idiotic grin. He was good natured and always with his pal Vern, who was usually the camera. If you ever hear someone say “KnowhutImean, Vern?” that is from the Ernest character.

The movies featured gross humor but were always family friendly. Jim Varney’s recognizable voice would go on to be associated with Slinky Dog in the TOY STORY movies before he passed away in 2000. When Varney passed, I thought the memory of Ernest would go with him.

Variety is reporting that Ernest creator John Cherry will work alongside producers Clarke Gallivan and Coke Sams and screenwriter Dan Ewen to bring us SON OF ERNEST. I don’t think you need to know how they plan to resurrect the character outside of what that title implies. There is no cast at this time, but I don’t have a good feeling about this. First of all, Ernest is a very specific character who doesn’t exactly jump out at most people as ripe for a reboot. Secondly, can you name a single franchise where bringing the offspring of the character in to take over the series actually works? SON OF PINK PANTHER, ACE VENTURA JR., SON OF KONG: all classics.

Per screenwriter Ewen: “Ernest was this plucky little engine that could — against all odds. Ernest struck a nerve, one we’re going to revisit. We plan to honor the originals and Jim Varney while birthing a new chapter that lies somewhere between not sucking and Earth-shatteringly funny.”

Nothing good can come of this.

Source: Variety

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6071 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.