Gemma is a goddess

Gemma Arterton According to the cool peeps at “Empire Online”, former Bond babe Gemma Arterton will be trading in her spy seducing skirt and high heels for a god seducing toga to play the demi-goddess Io in the Louis Letterrier directed CLASH OF THE TITANS, the upcoming remake of the 1981 classic of the same name. In this go round, Sam Worthington takes the role of Perseus as we follow his adventure to decapitate Medusa and take down the Kraken. Things will play out a little differently, though, as according to Arterton, “The script is very different. Obviously the story is the story, but it’s much more about Perseus’ mission, and how he deals with being the son of Zeus, and things like that, so it feels a little more about him, and about the issues around that.” Surprise, surprise, a dark, brooding Perseus with daddy issues. Read more about what Arterton had to say over HERE.

Source: Empire Online

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