Which recent horror movie scared the sh*t out of Robert Englund?

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Stupid f*cking TMZ was recently pestering poor Robert Englund at the airport. Better watch that ass is all I'm saying, messing with Freddy. Anyhow they did get one good bit of info from the man, the legend. When asked what recent movie scared him the most, he responded, and I'm quoting here:

“The movie that ruined my underwear last was called Bone Tomahawk!” 

Interesting choice of words. But then again he was most likely jet lagged and wanted to Springwood slash the everloving f*ck out of that "reporter".

Anyhow, I agree with the man as BONE TOMAHAWK was a freaky-ass movie that I enjoyed the hell out of. Especially that one kill. I'm not going to spoil it here, but you know the one I'm talking about…


When a group of cannibalistic inbred savages kidnap some honest to goodness folks (to be impending lunch); Sherriff Hunt (Russell) and a few good men head out in the wild to save them and pump evil full of lead.

When asked what he thought of Jordan Peele's neo-classic GET OUT, Englund says, "he killed it."



BONE TOMAHAWK's Lilli Simmons was in TRUE DETECTIVE. But you already knew that.

Source: tmz

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