Interview: Adeline Rudolph and Paola Nunez Talk Resident Evil

As massive of a franchise as Resident Evil is, it still surprises me how personal the series can be. Instead of featuring monsters galore, the focus remains on sisters Billie and Jade Wexler. Dealing with two different timelines, the series manages to bring a bit of heart to the horrors at play. For this viewer, I appreciated the approach. It helps that all four actresses manage to bring a nice energy to the sister they each portray. As Billie, both Adeline Rudolph and Siena Agudong are terrific. And the same can be said for Tamara Smart and Ella Balinska, both of whom portray Jade.

Continuing with our interviews for the new series, todays focus is on Adeline Rudolph and Paola Nunez. For Adeline, the actress opened up about playing Billie. Considering the character shifts once Rudolph takes over, she certainly has a lot of interesting baggage to deal with. And then there is Paola. The actress portrays the villainous Evelyn Marcus. And she goes into some seriously dark places with how desperate she is to hold on to her power. I enjoyed both of their performances here, and it was fantastic speaking to them. While the latest incarnation of Resident Evil may not please everyone, it’s worth checking out to see if it satiates your need for a little zombie action. Resident Evil is currently streaming on Netflix. Check out the rest of our interviews here!

Source: AITH

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JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.