Legends of Tomorrow: Wentworth Miller returns as Captain Cold for 100th episode

Legends of Tomorrow, Wentworth Miller, Captain Cold

The seventh season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will kick off next week, but one of the show’s upcoming episodes will feature a very special guest. TVLine has reported that the 100th episode of Legends of Tomorrow will find Wentworth Miller returning to reprise his role of Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold.

Legends of Tomorrow‘s 100th episode will revisit past seasons of The CW series through the eyes of the Waverider’s A.I. Gideon, who is set to become a flesh-and-blood member of the team in the new season. Now, I have no idea what that means, but Legends fans should know what’s going on. “The whole episode really is predicated on memory and Gideon’s memory,” executive producer Phil Klemmer told TVLine. “It occurred to us, in being forced to do a retrospective of 100 episodes, that Gideon, really, is the only person who saw everything. Obviously, Sara Lance has been there from the very beginning, but she’s just a person. There were things that she missed. And so, we were really excited about going back through the seasons and sort of tracking the evolution of the show and doing that through Gideon’s eyes.” Klemmer added that they “wanted to give a chance for the newest generation of Legends, the Astras and Spooners of the team, to meet up with some of the original gang.” Klemmer went on to tease that there will be even more “special guest stars” appearing alongside Wentworth Miller in the 100th episode of Legends of Tomorrow.

Wentworth Miller first appeared as Captain Cold on The Flash before moving to Legends of Tomorrow where he was a series regular for the first season. He returned for several guest spots, as well as the big Arrowverse crossover series, Crisis on Earth-X. The seventh season of Legends of Tomorrow will premiere on The CW on October 13th.


Source: TV Line

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.