Leterrier set to Clash

Warner Bros. has set INCREDIBLE HULK director Louis Leterrier to direct their remake of CLASH OF THE TITANS, which the studio has put on the fast-track. The studio is looking to beat a competing project – Tarsem Singh’s WAR OF GODS – to the starting line. CLASH has a script the studio loves from Lawrence Kasdan (RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK) and greenlit the project as soon as they were able to get Leterrier to sign on the dotted line. Before you expect a big-budget extravaganza, expect TITANS (and WAR OF GODS for that matter) to use the ole 300 green-screen style to create the ancient settings while keeping a modest budget. BLADE director Stephen Norrington has original scheduled to step out of retirement to direct TITANS but may have started to experience some LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN post traumatic stress and he eventually left the project. The original 1981 film starred Harry Hamlin and Lawrence Olivier and featured the stop-motion work of FX legend Ray Harryhausen. While it has been fast-tracked, it’s unclear when it would begin production as work out of Hollywood has it that almost all studio productions will temporarily stop next week in anticipation of the SAG strike.

Source: Variety

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