HORROR TEN SPOT: Top 10 Revenge Flicks

Last Updated on August 3, 2021

Ah revenge. Does anything get the ole blood rushing like bringing righteous retribution down upon those who truly deserve it in this morally compromised world we live in? The history of cinema would argue no, since getting vengeance is a huge part of what drives many a celluloid story.

Actually trying to narrow down a list of the best revenge films is a major challenge because there are so many great ones to choose, but I look forward to what will no doubt be a highly interactive discussion below.

So let’s get to the good stuff, and spit bullets on your favs. After all, I don’t want to have to hunt you down and kill you.



The later entries in this iconic series turned Charles Bronson into an unapologetic righteous vigilante, but the first film actually showed a great deal of heart and conflict in the lead character. His liberal leanings are put to the test when his wife and daughter are attacked, sending him on a revenge spree that he cannot let go of, but that also does not sit easily with him. If nothing else this film taught me that a tube sock and a roll of quarters is all you need in a pinch to deal out some serious damage.


Damn, those Asians sure do know how to hold a grudge. A man is held captive for years for reasons unknown, only to be released with no explanation. He of course wants, seeks and gets revenge, or so he thinks. But then it turns out he is the one revenge has been wreaked upon. I can’t bring myself to say what happens at the end, because if you haven’t seen the film you really deserve to experience it fresh, but it is just about the sickest pay back you could imagine.

3. KILL BILL VOL. 1 & 2

An amazing revenge saga that stretches across two films and features a protagonist who was left for dead after having her baby cut from her womb by the father? Yes, please. There is so much awesome in this roaring rampage of revenge that it could probably spawn it’s own Top 10 list someday. One thing is for sure. You do not f*ck with The Bride.


Michael Caine as a heavy may surprise some, but I actually had to pick between two of his films made decades apart, this one and HARRY BROWN. Ultimately I have to give the nod to GC though, because anytime Sly Stallone remakes a film, and looks significantly less intimidating than a classically trained Brit, you gotta figure it’s a force to be reckoned with. The story is nothing new. Brother dies under mysterious circumstances and a revenge tinged investigation ensues. But you get classic lines like, “You know, I’d almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow,” and plenty of good old fashioned violence.


No matter how you feel about Mel Gibson personally of late, there’s no denying the man brought us some great performances. And while many are more famous, you’d be hard pressed to find a better, more intense performance than his turn as Porter, a man who knows exactly what his life is worth. 70 grand if you’re wondering. Not a flick for the faint of heart, but then again neither is this list.


Obviously Pam Grier had a cottage industry of grindhouse films that revolved around her badass persona. And Coffy is one of the most fun giving us her in the role of a pissed off nurse looking to take down the criminals involved in her sister’s heroin overdose. Let me tell ya friends, a lot of the men looking for revenge could learn a thing or two from this mocha marauder.


Do I need to say more than William Devane and Tommy Lee Jones? How ’bout badass violence spree led by a man with a hook for a hand? Oh,. and Paul Schrader is the writer. Instead of talking about why this flick is awesome (already covered in my opinion), let’s talk about the criminal ridiculousness that the damn thing is not yet available on DVD. WTF?!


Novelist Brian Garfield penned a book that launched one of the most famous series of revenge films in history, and we’ll get to that, but another book gave James Wan an opportunity to give us a bit of a different look post-SAW. What makes this film really work is the strongly conflicted performance from Kevin Bacon at its center. After all, as much as giving a bunch of thugs whatfor may appeal to the KARATE KID lover in us all, there is an undeniable emotional cost that good revenge movies explore. This is no exception.


I know many people consider the original to be one of the most horrifying films they’ve ever seen, but to me it always felt campy, and dare I say it, funny. The remake, in a twist on the usual, is simply a better film across the board. Of course both are courtesy of Bergman’s THE VIRGIN SPRING, but for our purposes both LAST HOUSE films fit the list better.


We’ve got the remake of this classic grindhouse beast making the rounds and, for the most part, getting solid reviews. It’s probably a better film than the original, which suffers from over long scenes, a lack of focus, and suspect performances for the most part. But you cannot ignore the effect the original has had, particularly in the uneasy discussion of how female empowerment vs. exploitation work within this subgenre.

Special Mention – DEADEN

If you’ve been around this site for long then you know that John Fallon The Arrow himself wrote and starred in a low budget ode to all the great revenge flicks. It’s a drug fueled psychotic rampage that is a gift to all hardcore genre fans. If you haven’t already checked it out, then get on it!

Tags: Hollywood

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