Marvel fan sets world record for watching Avengers: Endgame 191 times

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Avengers: Endgame, Ramiro Alanis, Guinness World Record

Talk about dedication! Ramiro Alanis is an insanely dedicated Marvel fan and he just set a world record for watching Avengers: Endgame 191 times. The Florida personal trainer now holds the official record for most cinema productions attended of the same film according to Guinness World Records.

The previous record-holder was a YouTuber named NemRaps who actually set the record at the time for watching Avengers: Infinity War. Just to put things into perspective for Alanis' record with Endgame, the film clocks in at 181 minutes. Watching the film 191 times would take just over 576 hours to complete or a full 24 days. According to Alanis, he sacrificed a lot to break this record, including his physical fitness:

"The most difficult part about this attempt was giving up my social life with my family, the gym (I lost 16 pounds of muscle) and managing my work hours and screening times at the theaters."

This is a feat I personally couldn't accomplish and I honestly thought seeing the film in theaters three times made me a little special but my viewings of the film look pretty minuscule in comparison at this point. I suppose if you're going to try to break a Guinness World record, you might as well attempt to do it by watching one of the most important Marvel and superhero films released to date as many times as you can. 

What are YOUR thoughts on Ramiro Alanis watching Avengers: Endgame 191 times?

Source: Twitter, Guinness World Records

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