A writer is set so that Peter and the Starcatchers may someday soon take flight

Peter and the Starcatches book coverThe last cinematic rendition of the Peter Pan story we witnessed was 2003’s PETER PAN, and while I doubt we’ll be getting a new version of the classic story anytime soon you can now add PETER AND THE STARCATCHERS to the growing list of projects that put a twist on the story you already are well familiar with.

A hit book even before it stormed Broadway and received nine Tony award nominations (Best Play included), PETER AND THE STARCATCHERS was co-authored by Ridley Pierson and Dave Barry (yes, that Dave Barry) and tells an origin story of how Peter Pan learned to fly, the creation of Neverland, and the genesis of his very particular relationship with Captain Hook (a pirate first called Black Stache).  I found it to have a good start before quickly (and for me disappointingly) dissolving into a one-trick pony, but then again I’m not one of our world’s younger folk and so perhaps too serious about my opinions of inventive storytelling.

The book will be adapted by one Jesse Wigutow, a man without many IMDb credits just now but several high-profile projects (including THE CROW reboot and a Steve McQueen biopic) well on their way to production. 

Peter and the Starcatchers play picture

Source: Deadline

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