C’mon Hollywood #186

… do something different with Bourne!
by Sturdy

When the news came out last week that Universal had signed up the Robert Ludlam library (or at least “first look” rights), most notably the Bourne franchise, my initial reaction was; “good deal”. I dig the Bourne films and Ludlam has some other stories that I think would make good films. But then I thought about it for a while and realized that Universal is probably thinking that more of the same is the route to take with the Bourne franchise and I definitely don’t think that’s a good deal. If everyone is thinking about making a few more films, then we need a new director and some fresh ideas.

I’ll go on record as saying that I thoroughly enjoyed all three of the Bourne films, but I really don’t want to see a fourth if it’s going to be a copy of the second and third films. And as much as I appreciate Paul Greengrass’s ADHD editing, I think it’s time they gave the reigns over to someone else. Don’t get me wrong, Greengrass has skills as a director and has a very original take on the action genre. However, he’s done two very good, but very similar action films and a third might alienate audiences to the point that they won’t come back. Bourne needs to be…reborn and given a new style and a new story to go with it.

Great action in the second and third

Perhaps more than a new director, Bourne needs a new storyline. Please don’t let the forgetful one forget his name again, or his occupation, or how he got his skills, etc. We get it; he had amnesia and he’s pissed off. Let’s thrust him into a different situation. Steal from Ludlam’s other books and call it “Bourne” if you want, but the amnesia schtick has run its course. I’d like to see him in a situation that he’s agreed to be in. Maybe he goes back to work for the government or something. It’s not like he has a skill set that’s useful for anyone other than spies anyway. Maybe a foreign government captures him or something, I don’t know. Just make sure he remembers how he got there.

But I still really like the first one

Finally, there’s Matt Damon. As in, don’t even think about doing a Bourne movie without him. He’s the reason the films are half as good as they are. He’s also a prime example of what an action movie can be if you have someone that can actually act and not just recite one liners. I doubt Universal is considering making a Bourne film without him, but just in case; don’t let it happen! Sometimes a movie’s name is all you need to carry a film, but that’s definitely not the case with the Bourne films. Damon is Bourne, period.

Are they ever going to do anything with her character?

I think there’s plenty of life left in the Bourne franchise. Jason Bourne is a great character played to perfection by Matt Damon. With a new director (or old director with a new style), a fresh script and an original idea, this franchise could go on indefinitely. So here’s hoping that Universal realizes this now, and not a few movies from now, after audiences have given up on Bourne.

Source: JoBlo.com

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