Cool Pics From Around the Web: Harry Dean Stanton, Clarke’s new hair, Cable

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

We live in an age of sharing, where every moment is captured and sent into the world for liking, commenting, judging and making us feel like we have more friends than we do. As a result, the world seems so much smaller than it is, and one revolution to come out of the social media age is that we can connect with some of our icons and heroes with the click of a button, getting a glimpse into the elusive world of the show business. Here with the feature Cool Pics From Around the Web we will assemble some of the coolest, funniest, and possibly revealing photographs of the week from some of the world’s biggest stars. Don’t worry, no food pics in sight…unless someone made a dope cake in the shape of R2-D2.

This week’s recap of cool pics is a mixture of bittersweet and just all-around sweet.  A big bulk comes from celebs and organizations paying tribute to the late Harry Dean Stanton, who passed last week. As well, we have the late-great James Gandolfini horsing around with his WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE director Spike Jonze BTS. As for the fun stuff, we have some more BTS glimpses at the HAN SOLO movie, one featuring actor Paul Bettany and the other teasing a potentially huge scene. There was also a marking of WONDER WOMAN’s Blu-ray release, in which tons of drones were flown in the sky to form shapes such as the WW symbol, Wonder Woman herself and more. In an especially cool pic for GAME OF THRONES fans, actress Emilia Clarke did what she has been holding off on for years, and finally dyed her hair the shade of white/blonde her character, Daenerys Targaryen, has on the show. This is in prep for the final season, and actually, begs a few questions as to why she can’t wear the wig this season. That, and she just looks f@cking awesome! Oh, and how can we forget the bromance between HELLBOY: RISE OF THE BLOOD QUEEN actor Daniel Dae Kim and the actor who once had his role, Ed Skrein?

Harry Dean passed away. I am sad. I'm glad he lived so long and exactly in the way he wanted to. He's the last of an era of character actors who could make all writers sound brilliant and all directors look deeply intuitive. But it was he who was able to reach out and touch us, tap us, prod us into firecrackers and firebombs of emotion. He was a scientist of behavior. I've watched "Paris, Texas" thirty times, for sure. It is one of my all time favorites and he levitates in it. I am sad. The last time I saw HD was at Sean Penn's birthday. He sang a song for us in Spanish. His vibrato that night came like rolling waves, and I felt a young flamenco dancer click her heels away on my heart. He sang not just beautifully, he sang deeply. Where's everyone going? All these greats. All these wonderful people turning to angels. #ripharrydeanstanton

A post shared by Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin) on

Rest In Peace, Harry Dean Stanton.

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I worked with him on Avengers "Assembled" which was one of those magical once in a lifetime career moments where you are standing next to a giant and a legend and sharing a frame with him and sharing your heart with him and sharing a precious moment with him. We spent the entire day together running lines talking about the scene, talking about wanting to find something to do together in the future. Today that is no longer a possibility. These magical moments, the ones that whisper to you their importance as they are happening. The ones that jump out and tell you that you are in a rarefied space, that imprint deeper than other memories or experiences, that lock themselves in and become a part of the patch work of stories that ones calls a "Life", they are such precious things. It's easy to take for granted at the time how precious they are, one believes there will be another go at it, another chance to catch the light of a star in the palm of your hand in the span of an afternoon while working on a major motion picture, tucked off from the others, in a sacred cinematic space, where time is inconsequential and there is no camera, and their is no crew, and there are no words, there is only truth and listening and talking. That is what it was like with Harry. His humility, his commitment to acting, his generosity of spirit his kindly vulnerability were all exceptional. He was an exceptional man and I am honored to say that i got to share the screen with him albeit briefly. To date, it is still one of my favorite moments in film making. Today I treasure it even more. When we left each other that day we said, "See you again. I look forward to it." That never came to pass, but he passed away I wish we had a chance to do it all again. So long Harry Dean, thank you for the gift of your films, your music and your being. God broke the mold on you. Rest In Peace. Poet.

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Sad to say goodbye to the incomparable Harry Dean Stanton- so profoundly authentic in every role he inhabited. #RIP

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Had the best time ever with Ron Howard. #StarWars

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Cable Porn #💀💩L2 #cableinsanity #cableswole #cablepowered #cableporn

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Source: Instagram

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