Hail to the king!

I’m one of those people that cannot help but be seduced by new/flashy DVD cases. Even though I very much dislike DAREDEVIL (notice I didn’t use the word ‘hate’), I still bought that sucker when they released the new DVD case. Likewise, I bought ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND on DVD (when I already owned it), just because a new version was released, with pretty much the exact same case, but slightly fatter because it included a copy of the screenplay. I haven’t even opened it since. Now, BUBBA HO-TEP has been given perhaps the mother of all DVD cases and… well… I have to have it. I know that this is tantamount to blasphemy in some parts, but I wasn’t all that crazy about the film, still though, I cannot allow a DVD case as cool as this to exist outside of my collection. It’s glorious! Look at it!

As I’m sure you know, BUBBA HO-TEP tells the “true” story of what really happened to Elivs: he retired to a rest home, and then shortly after befriending a man who believed himself to be JFK, fought an evil Egyptian entity who had chosen their facility as his hunting ground. The DVD will be available from August 7th.

Source: Film Junk

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