Nick Groff Investigates… The Hinsdale House!

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Nick Groff, Nick Groff Investigates, The Hinsdale House, Dan Klaes, horror, paranormal,, AITH, Arrow in the Head

Nick Groff is one of the most respected names in television and beyond when it comes to the paranormal. He has had incredible experiences in some of the most haunted locations in the world. As a friend to Arrow in the Head, we’ve shared some very exciting experiences with Nick including a couple of wild and spooky moments that we’ve managed to capture on camera. Thus, we’ve decided to work with the television host and producer extraordinaire so he can share his knowledge and insight on all things that go bump in the night. With this bi-monthly column, we plan to delve into everything from urban legends to ghostly apparitions, to his take on some of the coolest genre flicks ever. This is Nick Groff Investigates…!

Nick Groff, Nick Groff Investigates, Dan Klaes, The Hinsdale House, horror, paranormal,, AITH, Arrow in the Head

THE HINSDALE HOUSE with Special Guest Dan Klaes!

We talk about numerous haunted locations here at Nick Groff Investigates. There are so many that I'd like to visit and haven't had the chance. That said, one specifically spooky place is the Hinsdale House. Currently, this fascinating location is owned by a fine fellow by the name of Dan Klaes. After learning about its history, he won a bid on the home and is now a proud owner of its hallowed halls.  If you're looking for exorcisms, UFOs and other strange events, this is the perfect place to spend a little quality paranormal investigative time in.

Somehow I was reminded of the Hindale House recently – perhaps it was a sign! While I've never been – I certainly hope to one day – it has grabbed my attention in a big way. All the stories and the fascinating tales of terror that have been whispered all make for an incredible real-life ghost story. Usually, we just have Nick tell the tales of those who walk in the shadows. This week we have a special treat, joining in the creepy fun is Mr. Klaes himself. Dan is quite an impressive figure in the world of all that is paranormal with his VidiSpace series Within These Walls as well he is part of the crew on the tenth season of the independent ghost hunting series The Ghost Finders.

This week both Dan and Nick discuss their relationship with the house, why Dan purchased it, and what scary secrets they could share. It's an intriguing place, one I genuinely hope to have an experience in one day. Have any of you had the chance to visit the Hinsdale House? If so, please share your adventures in the comment section below. And now, I present to you Nick Groff and Dan Klaes as they discuss the legendary Hinsdale House – you can check out Dan's official site here for more information.

Nick Groff, Nick Groff Investigates, Dan Klaes, The Hinsdale House,, AITH, Arrow in the Head, horror, paranormalNick Groff

“There’s something very powerful and ancient embedded into the soil of the land at the Hinsdale House. My first encounter was at my own home during a dream, when I was woken up by an entity that I learned later was from the Hinsdale house. I quickly realized that other people had similar experiences.This location took me off guard unlike other places I’ve investigated. There’s this feeling that gets under your skin, like it already knows you and has chosen you to journey to the property.

Staying at the location for 72 hours was fascinating. Our gear not working correctly, waves of energy, bizarre happenings and it was very difficult to sleep in Mary’s room on the second floor of house. I have been back several times and have uncovered new findings that have helped push this investigation forward. There are too many mysteries that need to still be discovered to fully understand what is happening at the Hinsdale property. UFOs, Ghosts, Cryptids and tons of other paranormal phenomena has revolved around this melting pot of unexplainable activity. 

One of the most incredible locations I’ve experienced and investigated. There’s so much to learn in our short lives as we journey through. I will keep exploring. My good friend Dan Klaes and I have been working hard on a new project that has blown us away with the new evidence discovered. 

Dan Klaes

What made him buy the house?  It was a series of unexplainable experiences that had happened to me while investigating the location.  The place was more active than any other location I had been to. Unlike other locations I had investigated, it felt like the house was speaking to me and I felt like it was kind of calling me to rescue it from demolition. 

Did he know it was haunted? Funny thing, the first time I ever came to the house, I wasn’t briefed on its history with a failed exorcism until I actually got there. We were filming a short documentary and my partner thought it would be better for reactions by not telling us anything. As an owner now, I feel it is very important to be as forthcoming with information as possible to potential guests investigators. 

Was my experiences similar to Nicks? While I have never had an energy follow me home from Hinsdale as it did for Nick, I feel that I was called to this location, everything fell into place for me to purchase this place.. similar to Nick, he almost didn’t make it to the house to investigate. I feel like the universe put us together to help uncover the deepest secrets that are buried at the houses and the property. The commitment by Nick and his cousin Justin has been amazing and we have forged and amazing friendship since being brought together. It’s allowing us to dive deeper than I ever have into any paranormal/history investigation. The story keeps changing and I’m confident that we are on the right path because the energy is changing. I can feel it. 

What is different with this location than others?  This particular location has all the elements of a good ghost story: a mysterious history, strange sightings, folklore  and even a failed exorcism. When you go to other locations, you don’t have such an extensive amount of unexplained history that spans decades. It’s generally an event that is happening now and we are going in to see if we can figure out who or what is calling out. This place has stories dating back as far as the eye can see which which captivates so much interest.”

Source: Arrow the Head

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3146 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.