Orange is the New Black announces its return this June with a new teaser

What started as the story of Piper Chapman, a woman who is sentenced to fifteen months in prison, has opened up and encompassed a large group of the inmates. Fans of the show could tell you that last season ended on a pivotal plot point that's really going to kick off the new season in a different way. While we don't know how things will go down just yet, we do have a new teaser announcing the return of Orange is the New Black on June 9, 2017.

For the most part, I'd say that the series has decreased in quality with each season, with the exception of season 4. I think steering the show back into some real dramatic territory was for the better, despite the show's foundation resting in comedy. Piper Chapman is just not a character viewers really care about anymore, so it's nice to see the rest of the ensemble shine.

Orange is the New Black: Season 5 hits Netflix on June 9, 2017.

Source: Netflix

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