Point Break: What’s It Really About?

We take a deep dive into one of the greatest action movies of all time, Point Break, starring Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves.

Let me paint you a picture- It’s the early 90s in Los Angeles, California. You’re stopping by the bank on your way home from work and you’re really hoping to beat that Friday L.A rush hour. Just as you’re about to step up to the teller’s counter, the transaction is cut short by the entry of four men in rubber President’s masks and they’re swinging guns around the busy bank lobby. This bank is being robbed- by Patrick Swayze.

Folks, Point Break is more than a bonafide classic. And there’s more to it than explosions and fire fights. Point Break is one of my favorite movies, and if you haven’t seen it, and I haven’t sold you on it thus far, the movie also features Keanu Reeves jumping out of a charter plane with a loaded pistol and no parachute…so…

This movie on the surface is a buddy-action thriller about the most extreme game of cops and robbers that you could possibly imagine. But seeing as its influence has spanned from the iconic first installment of the Fast and the Furious mega-franchise to the extremely disappointing 2015 remake- which I’m still recovering from- I figured there’s got to be something more to this movie that makes me and everyone else I know cherish it so damn much. It’s a story that packs a lot of relatable themes like friendship, love, loyalty, and sacrifice. With Patrick Swayze’s movie legacy getting a bit of a revival thanks to the new release of the Road House remake (which is far superior to the Point Break one), now is the time to take a deeper dive into perhaps his greatest film. It is indeed a real blue flame special, and what I need to know is “What’s Point Break REALLY About?” Check out the video above and let us know what you think in the comments!

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