Really?! An animated film based on Pez candy is in the works

Every one and their three-legged dog has had Pez candy at some point; even if you didn't like the taste of it (it's been so long since I last had one that I honestly can't remember what they tasted like) there was always the lure of those dispensers shaped like your favourite characters. You may have found one with a Darth Vader head which kept you occupied for two minutes before the candy was depleted and it was thrown into a box in your parents basement, only to be rediscovered years later as you're moving out. That said, they were, and are, a part of pop culture and something most people are familiar with, but…does that mean we should transform it into an animated film? Apparently so.

Envision Media Arts has entered into an exclusive agreement with Pez Candy Inc to develop an animated film based upon the candy. Cameron Fay, writer of the upcoming BROTHER IN LAWS starring Taran Killam, Bobby Moynihan, Gillian Jacobs, Bill Pullman, Kenan Thompson, and David Wain, has been hired to pen the screenplay and I do not envy him his task.

Envision Media Arts co-founder Lee Nelson had this to say:

Pez candy is beloved by children and adults alike. With Cameron Fay we’ve created a world unique to Pez and a story that will touch the hearts of many.

We're already got an Emoji film in the works from Sony so…why not a film about square pellets of sugar which shoot out of something's neck? If they're able to take advantage of the vast amount of pop culture characters who have been immortalized as Pez dispensers perhaps I could begin to see the direction they may take with this new film but…my word folks, can't we do better than this?

Source: Variety

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10559 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.