There will be poster has posted the teaser poster for the upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson period piece THERE WILL BE BLOOD and I must say that I am anticipating this movie to be pretty good. I’ve never been the hugest PTA fan, but I must confess that he is one of the more interesting American filmmakers working today. This film comes 5 years after the bittersweet PUNCH DRUNK LOVE, a film which I thought was pretty damn good. Also, knowing how picky (and talented) Daniel Day Lewis is, I’m sure we can expect something different from the typical Oscar bait released this time of year. The poster keeps with the motif set up by the teaser trailer. The use of the leather Bible and the tagline definitely imply that religion will play a pretty big part in this film. Perhaps Anderson is moving on from previous seventies influence Robert Altman to Martin Scorsese (although I must say the teaser trailer instantly reminded me of Terrence Malick). Check it out for yourselves. It’s nice and simple. Classic one might say. The film is set to be released on December 26th. Click to ENLARGE.

Source: Aintitcoolnews

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