Trailer unleashed for the politically-charged ghost story La Llorona

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Shudder has just released a mesmerizing and atmospheric trailer for the politically-charged magical realist ghost story LA LLORONA, which you can watch at the top of the article. Meanwhile, here's the official synopsis:

Indignant retired general Enrique finally faces trial for the genocidal massacre of thousands of Mayans decades ago. As a horde of angry protestors threatens to invade their opulent home, the women of the house—his haughty wife, conflicted daughter, and precocious granddaughter—weigh their responsibility to shield the erratic, senile Enrique against the devastating truths being publicly revealed and the increasing sense that a wrathful supernatural force is targeting them for his crimes. Meanwhile, much of the family’s domestic staff flees, leaving only loyal housekeeper Valeriana until a mysterious young Indigenous maid arrives.

Looks very stylish! Also very prescient, vis-a-vis a story about civil unrest and class disparity. I'll definitely give a look when given the chance!

In the meantime, LA LLORONA – directed by Jayro Bustamante and starring María Mercedes Coroy, Margarita Kénefic, Sabrina De La Hoz, and Julio Diaz – will premiere on Shudder August 6th.

So what do you guys think? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Arrow in the Head

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