More Host 2 footage revealed in Macrograph showreel

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Monster movies, by very definition, can get a pass in the narrative department if they feature a cool enough creature. For me, I wasn’t huge on THE HOST’S family melodrama, but I dug the monster enough to warm up to the flick. Based on the new footage from the film below, I’m probably going to be suckered into digging the second one.

I can’t help myself! The first footage showed off the same kids-in-peril schtick the first one is famous for, but did you see the awesome HOST thing tearing shit up like a Lovecraftian monster on meth? I can’t deny it warmed the cockles of my horror loving heart. Now we have more footage, courtesy CGI production house Macrograph and their 2012 showreel. Keep in mind, THE HOST 2 is just one flick featured on the reel. If you absolutely have to scrub through to get to the monster action, aim for the :27 and 3:00 mark, accordingly.

No release date has yet been confirmed, either internationally or stateside, but the film will be in 3D. Check out the footage below and show the monster a little love– you know you can’t help yourself.

Source: Twitch

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