Ridiculous new trailer for The Smurfs 2 highlights every cliche you love to hate

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Because you demanded it, The Smurfs are back in THE SMURFS 2, coming at you in all their asinine ways.  Since the first film actually killed it at the box office, we now get to revisit the little blue men and women, along with their toilet humor and raucous behavior, complete with new characters that look just like Smurfs only with different skin color.  So, there’s that.

I hate to sound like a curmudgeon, but I have to sit through a lot of these pics, usually with my kid, and it’s always a much more enjoyable experience when I can enjoy the film instead of trying to scratch my eyes out of my head.  I’ve been lucky of late, as WRECK-IT RALPH and RISE OF THE GUARDIANS were both outstanding, but I may be taking a bullet for the team come next year.


Yes, this does have Barney Stinson aka Dougie Howser aka NPH aka Neil Patrick Harris, who is most likely doing this for his own kids and a paycheck.  He’s still NPH, though, so he’ll always have my respect, but man…there’s got to be a better way.  Rounding out the “cast” is George Lopez, Anton Yelchin, Katy Perry, Hank Azaria, Christina Ricci, Alan Cumming, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Sofia Vergara, and Fred Armison. 

THE SMURFS 2 smurfs its way into theaters on July 31, 2013 in mothersmurfing 3D and 2D.

Source: You Tube

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