The Raid director Gareth Evans to helm period action film Apostle

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

I f*cking love THE RAID and THE RAID 2. From the awesome and brutal fight scenes, to the great visceral cinematography, to the actually decent stories of each film (as well as a star turn from Iko Uwais) – it's all just so badass.  Honestly, right now director Gareth Evans can do no wrong in my book. So when I hear that he's working on a new film, you better f*cking believe I'm all ears. 

And low and behold, all my ears perked up as news came around that Edwards is working on a new action film, this time a period piece titled APOSTLE:


Radicalist. Conspirator. Traitor. #Apostle

A photo posted by Gareth Evans (@ghuwevans) on

Radicalist. Conspirator. Traitor. #Apostle

A photo posted by Gareth Evans (@ghuwevans) on

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film is about:

A mysterious man who travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister…after she's kidnapped by a religious cult, which is demanding a ransom for her return. But it soon becomes clear that the cult will regret the day it baited this man, who digs deeper and deeper into the secrets and lies upon which the commune is built.

Sounds sufficiently badass to me. If it's even a quarter as visceral, bloody, and sick as Evans' previous RAID movies, I'm all f*cking in!

Unfortunately, there's not much more details about the film at the moment, including if any of the cast from THE RAID films will show up again or not. Here's hoping though! (*fingers crossed*).

APOSTLE will start production in the UK March 2018.

Source: THR

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