Hannibal’s third season features directors Vincenzo Natali and Neil Marshall

The wait for the third season of Hannibal has been a long one but thankfully creator Bryan Fuller likes to keep his fans satiated with small teases via Twitter.

He recently revealed a couple of the directors involved with the upcoming third season, SPLICE director Vincenzo Natali can credit the first three episodes of the season to his name. Natali is no stranger to the Hannibal family, having directed several great episodes of Hannibal during its second season, but it's nice to see him returning.

New to the Hannibal family however is THE DESCENT director Neil Marshall. He's been attached to the eighth episode and given the title, I think we can expect this to be a big one. It's interesting to note that at some point during the season the show will seemingly part with its Italian culinary influenced titles.

Speaking of The Great Red Dragon, Bryan Fuller shared a small peek at what could be Francis Dolarhyde's kimono. Richard Armitage has been cast in that role.

One more tease from Bryan Fuller:

The show has played with juggling different time periods before, but not quite to this degree. I'm curious to see what those four time periods will be and how far into the future (or past) they'll take us. The third season of Hannibal kicks off on NBC on June 4, 2015. Can't wait.

Source: Twitter

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.