Paul Hyett’s directorial debut The Seasoning House gets August premiere date

Last Updated on July 23, 2021

This past February, we brought you some deets and images from Paul Hyett’s directorial debut, a neo-horror picture called THE SEASONING HOUSE. Well, here now we have a premiere date for you to look forward to…

According to an official presser, THE SEASONING HOUSE will premiere August 23rd, doing so at Film4’s 2012 FrightFest as Opening Night Gala presentation. The bash goes down at Empire Leicester Square, London. Pretty cool shite for all you blokes across the pond!

Starring Sean Pertwee, Rosie Day, Kevin Howarth, Anna Walton and Jemma Powell – THE SEASONING HOUSE picks up when:

Angel, a young Balkan girl is forced to work in a rape house during an unspecified war. She moves between the walls and crawlspaces, planning her escape. Planning her ingenious and brutal revenge.

About the premiere, Hyett had this to say:

“It’s a great honour to be chosen as Opening Gala Film at Film4 FrightFest 2012. It’s my very first as director and to be selected to open the festival is truly humbling and terrifically exciting. I like to think of the film as a cross between Pan’s Labyrinth, Martyrs and Die Hard. It’s an uncompromising, action-packed and claustrophobic revenge thriller set against the backdrop of an unspecified Balkan war. Having worked on so many films over the last few decades I am totally comfortable with making the leap into directing. It feels like a natural progression for me. While the subject matter is dark, disturbing and nihilistic, I’m approaching it in a very stylish, glossy and beautiful fairytale way. The first half is an opiated dream, then the tone shifts as the young girl is dragged out of this darkness, the dream shattered and a far edgier, fractured and realistic film emerges. I’ve been lucky enough to be working with friends from my previous work, including Sean (Pertwee, playing “Goran”, the brutal militia leader), Kevin (Howarth, playing “Viktor” the shifty proprietor of the eponymous establishment), Michael (Riley, producer) as well as some new friends such as the amazing Rosie Day, who plays “Angel”, the tiny young girl who makes her way around the house via the crawlspaces and spaces beneath the floorboards. Directing The Seasoning House is an enormous pleasure for me, and this will be the first of a series of films I will direct over the next few years”.

Source: AITH

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5375 Articles Published

Jake Dee is one of JoBlo’s most valued script writers, having written extensive, deep dives as a writer on WTF Happened to this Movie and it’s spin-off, WTF Really Happened to This Movie. In addition to video scripts, Jake has written news articles, movie reviews, book reviews, script reviews, set visits, Top 10 Lists (The Horror Ten Spot), Feature Articles The Test of Time and The Black Sheep, and more.