Danny DeVito would play Penguin again in new Batman movie

Danny DeVito, Penguin, Batman Returns

Danny DeVito’s disturbing yet heart-warming portrayal of The Penguin in Tim Burton’s Batman Returns scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. Although I understood that this was an actor in costume and makeup, I almost believed that Burton had discovered some actual psychotic man in the sewers. Simply put, Danny DeVito knocked Penguin out of the park. We’ve seen more than a few actors reprise their iconic roles in recent years, but would DeVito be down to play Penguin again?

While speaking with Forbes, Danny DeVito revealed his willingness to play Penguin once more, provided that Tim Burton returned as well.

I feel like it’s not out of the question that The Penguin will return someday, but this is all up to Tim, whether or not Tim wants to do this. I would say that could be in the cards because we ain’t dead yet (laughs). We could do a continuation of what we had in the past because that was truly a brilliant movie. They afforded me that opportunity and I feel very grateful and would I like to revisit it? Why not! It was a really great moment in time for me.

There is a little Oswald in me,” Danny DeVito said. “And then there’s Danny. I’m not a closed book, I’m pretty much an open book.” Speaking of books, DeVito also penned a Penguin story for DC’s Gotham City Villains Anniversary anthology that was recently released. “I’m so excited about it,” DeVito said. “I’ve never done anything like that before but I’ve always been a big fan of DC.

There have been several actors to play Penguin since Danny DeVito last played the role, and the next incarnation of the character will arrive in Matt Reeve’s The Batman as played by a nearly unrecognizable Colin Farrell. “I love Colin Farrell. He’s one of my favorite actors. I can’t wait!” DeVito said. Although the chances of DeVito’s Penguin returning may be slim, it’s not impossible; after all, Micheal Keaton has returned to reprise his role of Batman in The Flash movie.


Source: Forbes

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.