Walking Dead characters infiltrate Fortnite

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

So this is cool, I suppose. For people who are somehow both fans of The Walking Dead and Fortnite, it seems Norman Reedus' Daryl and Danai Gurira's Michonne have now joined the massively popular online battle royale game as playable skins! You can even check them out in action in the video embed at the top of the article!

I'll admit I'm not a big fan of either The Walking Dead or Fortnite (though have nothing against either, as well), but it is cool to see the game branch out from superheroes and other videogame franchises to things like horror characters. Maybe they'll pull a Mortal Kombat and get Jason and Leatherface involved? 

Meanwhile, these skins (alongside X-Box's Master Chief) will be available for purchase December 16!

So what do you guys think? Fans of either property? If so, excited about the crossover? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Fortnite

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