AITH Joins “Ghost Adventures” for their Season 9 Premiere!

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

With the Season 9 Premiere of “Ghost Adventures” on The Travel Channel this past weekend, Zac Bagans, Aaron Goodwin and Nick Groff continue to delve into all things that go bump in the night. It’s all about #LockdownSaturdays! This time they investigated a home I happen to be rather familiar with. Back in 2012, cameraman Rusty Eltringham and I ventured into the abode of David Oman located only a few yards away from where Sharon Tate and her friends were brutally murdered on August 9, 1969. For David, it seems that this tragic history has left a mark on the home he and his father built just off Benedict Canyon in Los Angeles.

After living with a number of strange occurrences, Oman produced a film inspired by his experiences living in the house entitled HOUSE AT THE END OF THE DRIVE. Featuring genre great Lance Henriksen in a cameo and music by Alan Howarth (HALLOWEEN franchise), the indie feature recently took home the Best Writer Award (Oman and Jim Vines) at the 2014 Shockfest Film Festival. This haunted/time warp horror flick even offers up accounts of a few real life incidents that have reportedly occurred with Oman’s years in this ghostly home. So much so that the fine folks from “Ghost Adventures” came by to do a lockdown and hopefully uncover some of the paranormal events that occur on a daily basis.

Having spent some time there myself, I have witnessed a few eerie oddities. Just to name a few, we heard EVPs, footsteps from empty rooms as well as figurines that continually get knocked down from where they stand. In fact, it is near impossible to visit David and not have something unexplained happen. Needless to say, whether you believe in the supernatural or not, there is definitely something mysterious going on here. With that, Bagans, Goodwin and Groff wanted to speak to yours truly about the house thanks to the suggestion of Oman. Happily Mr. Groff is a big fan of Arrow in the Head as well which made the experience all the better. It was a real pleasure meeting such terrific guys.

Check out my “extreme close-up” on the season premiere of “Ghost Adventures” below in a clip from the episode. If you’d like to see the whole thing – which I highly recommend – check your local listings as the premiere will be in rotation throughout the week. Take a look at this clip below and get ready for a spooky good time.

Source: Arrow in the Head

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3152 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.