Black Adam: Dwayne Johnson’s superhero debut is on track for a $70M-$75M opening

Last Updated on October 10, 2022

Dwayne Johnson is certainly a marketing blitzer. He is one to build massive hype whenever he has a project coming out. It may stem from his charisma-laden promos from the showmanship of his wrestling days, but the man certainly loves to engage with the public. The blockbuster star is looking to make a splash in the superhero genre and boasts that the DCEU is in for a shake-up with his latest film, Black Adam.

The Hollywood Reporter is recently saying that the new anti-hero origin story is currently on track for an opening within the $70 million to $75 million range. This is estimated to be Johnson’s biggest opening outside of the Fast and Furious franchise. Tracking sources note that it has a similar survey to the Tom Hardy Venom solo film, which came in at $80 million in a theater environment not affected by the recent pandemic struggles.

Black Adam is described by Johnson as a “once-in-a-career role” and says audiences will be seeing a different side of him than previously displayed in past films. It has been a project he was passionate about since taking meetings with Warner Bros and DC for his introduction into the comic book film genre. Black Adam was a character who resonated with Johnson and one that nearly made it into the first Shazam movie as the villain. As a producer on the project, Johnson felt that the story of both Shazam and Black Adam characters would benefit greatly if each were fleshed out in their own solo film.

Black Adam has Johnson re-teaming with his director from his 2021 Disney film, Jungle Cruise. The movie will not only debut the screen adaptation of Black Adam, but the Justice Society, which will include Dr. Fate, who is played by Pierce Brosnan, and Hawkman, who is portrayed by Aldis Hodge.

Black Adam is set to fly into theaters on October 21.

Source: THR

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1869 Articles Published

E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.