Cool Horror Videos: Critters: Bounty Hunter fan film

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

While we’re all waiting patiently for Warner Bros. to release their new digital series based on the 1986 classic CRITTERS, Jordan Downey (THANKSKILLING) thought he’d bring those little bastards back to life sooner rather than later in his short film, CRITTERS: BOUNTY HUNTER. He's hoping this fantastic slice of short horror will grab the attention of Warner Bros. for a shot at getting behind the camera of their web-series. I'd say he's got a pretty good chance.

Critters Bounty Hunter was completed from start to finish in under two months with a small budget and an even smaller crew. All in, a total of six people worked on the movie: Myself, Kevin Stewart, Ricky Fosheim, Nick Soole, Troy Smith and Gina Luciani. We shot for two nights at a house in Mammoth Lakes, California. The Critter puppet was built by Troy Smith who worked with us on both ThanksKilling movies. Our crew handled everything from building the bounty hunter costume, learning the VFX required to pull off the glowing head, scoring, title cards, sound design, etc. We’re proud of what we pulled off with limited resources and can’t wait to share this with everyone. Turn up the volume and hit HD – We hope you enjoy our fun little take on Critters!

Source: YouTube

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