Diary of Dead trailer

Diary of the Dead It’s somewhat surprising that we’ve heard next to nothing about zombie progenitor George Romero’s upcoming DIARY OF THE DEAD. Sure, his return to zombie lore, LAND OF THE DEAD, didn’t exactly wow audiences or critics but it was a respectable return to zombie form and a far sight better than the plethora of terrible zombie and horror films, for that matter, that we’ve been subjected to in the last few years. All this is to say that a new trailer for DIARY OF THE DEAD has chewed its way onto MySpace and you can see it in all its undead glory over HERE. And as an added bonus, there’s even an intro from Romero himself. The film, told in a personal documentary-style (hence the title), centers on a group of film students out shooting a horror film when they happen to run into some bloodthirsty zombies. Yum! The dead feed on film student blood on February 15th. Thanks to the ten or so of you who emailed us to tell us about the trailer!

Source: MySpace

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