Flashbacks of a Fool

The first thing I noticed about the poster to FLASHBACKS OF A FOOL is the similarities between this one and the poster for THE LIFE BEFORE HER eyes. Both films feature a pair of actors playing the same character in the present, and then at a younger point in their lives (Uma Thurman and Evan Rachel Wood are the female version). Here it’s Daniel Craig, playing Joe Scot–a hard living, washed up Hollywood star who lives in an isolated Malibu mansion, until a tragedy forces him to face his demons. Flashback to 1970s England and we see a younger Joe and the events that led him to fame, fortune, and ultimate tragedy. This film seems to have come out of nowhere, but that’s what tends to happen with most UK productions. If you click on the poster you can check out the rather engrossing (if not a bit muddled) trailer.

Source: impawards.com

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