Hollywood Road to Success: Robert Downey Jr.

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

We all go through struggles in our lives. Sometimes challenging obstacles strike without warning and we think it is impossible to overcome. While going through these hard times it is difficult to find inspiration. The inspiration to turn your life around can come from anywhere: a friend, a family member, art or even a blockbuster superhero movie. But sometimes the most interesting and inspiring stories happen behind the scenes. Sometimes all you need to do is look to your favorite movie star. Not every Hollywood celebrity had an easy ride to the top; some went through seemingly impossible situations but still stood strong and succeeded in the end. These stories are all over Tinseltown and these stories have inspired The JoBlo Movie Network to produce a monthly online series that covers inspiring biographical tales. The new series is called HOLLYWOOD ROAD TO SUCCESS and our first episode dives deep into the rise and fall and rise again of Iron-Man himself, Mr. Robert Downey Jr. After decades of drug abuse and crime, RDJ escaped the darkness and became one of the most respected and beloved movie stars of all time. Find out how he was able to zoom down the road to success in this video here. Please share… you never know who you will inspire.

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Source: JoBlo.com

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