Netflix’s Sandman dream soon to become a reality according to Neil Gaiman

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

I've made it clear on this very site before about how I think a SANDMAN TV series would be f*cking rad! But, no matter how cool it would be, SANDMAN is still is a sprawling, VFX-heavy story with a very flawed protagonist at the center. It's always going to be hard to get a project of this scale and immense idiosyncrasy off the ground, though it hasn't stopped Hollywood from trying – whether it was from producer Jon "Superman needs to fight a giant spider in the third act" Peters or the second film directed by Joseph Gordon Levitt.

However, it seems the gears have finally started moving on a SANDMAN project that might actually get made. According to the official Tumbler of writer Neil Gaiman – the creator of SANDMAN – the production is

going really well, except it’s kind of hibernating right now until people start making TV again. The scripts for the first season are written, casting had started, directors hired, sets were being built. Everything was ready to go into production, and then we moved into a pause. As soon as the world is ready to make TV drama, Sandman will move smoothly back into being made. In the meantime, we are taking the opportunity to get the scripts as good as we can.

Obviously no release date – or even production date – has been revealed as of yet, but this is still a promising sign, and by far the closest a SANDMAN adaptation to becoming a reality.

But what do you guys think? You excited, anxious…angry? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Tumbler

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