Sources say Joaquin Phoenix in negotiations to play Doctor Strange

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Looks like Benedict Cumberbatch may have been telling the truth about not being the lead in DOCTOR STRANGE as new sources are contending that Oscar nominee Joaquin Phoenix is in negotiations to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Wrap contends the deal is not done but cite multiple sources that this rumor is legit.

Phoenix was a rumored contender for the role of Lex Luthor in BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE before the role went in a very different direction with the casting of Jesse Eisenberg. Phoenix’s name joins the shortlist that includes Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Jared Leto, and Jon Hamm. Whether this one will pan out and be true could be answered as soon as tomorrow when Marvel will take to Hall H at Comic Con and likely blow everyone out of the water with announcements that may include new titles we haven’t even dreamed of yet.

I like Joaquin Phoenix and considered him an outside the box choice for Luthor. His edge makes him an ideal actor to play a comic book villain. I am not sure if I can see him as Doctor Strange, but I have trust that Marvel knows what they are doing. Stay tuned for more details as this story and others out of SDCC develop.

Source: Deadline

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5916 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.