Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting (Video movie review)

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Director Billy Lewis's documentary Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting has been released exclusively through, where it's now available to rent for the price of $3.99 or purchase for $5.99. Jason Hewlett of The Paranormal Network has already watched the movie, and has released a video review that you can see in the embed above. Hit play and find out what he thought of Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting!

Featuring Ralph Sarchie, the demonologist and retired NYPD Sergeant whose story inspired the 2014 Scott Derrickson film Deliver Us from Evil, where he was played by Eric Bana (watch that movie HERE), Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting has the following synopsis: 

Wanting revenge after paranormal investigator Sean Austin crossed over two trapped souls from a dark location, an evil presence tried to seek retaliation against him for five years. Coming to this realization, Sean knew he had to return with friends and fellow investigators Dave Spinks & Eric Conner with the hope of finishing what he started, and sending the demon back where it belongs… HELL!  

That's definitely up there as one of the most intense documentary synopses I've ever read. It does a great job of making Malefice sound like a must-see. But is it? Watch the video review!

Below we have the poster art for the film, along with an image of Sarchie with a cross and paranormal investigator Sean Austin doing a blessing. 

If you continue below the images, you'll find a few samples of the other videos we have on The Paranormal Network. For more, head over to the YouTube channel – and subscribe to it while you're there!

Are you interested in Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting Billy Lewis Ralph Sarchie

Demonologist and retired NYPD Sergeant Ralph Sarchie 

Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting Billy Lewis Sean Austin

Paranormal investigator Sean Austin

Malefice: A True Story of a Demonic Haunting Billy Lewis

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.