Michael J. Fox remains “happy” despite recent health set-backs

Last Updated on November 1, 2022

Michael J Fox

Actor and activist Michael J. Fox is on the cover of People magazine’s Kindness Issue for a reason. Despite his hardships, including his battle with Parkinson’s, Fox has remained one of the most genuine people in Hollywood.

In a new interview with People, Fox, who is now 61, opened up about a variety of topics related to Parkinson’s, both shortcomings and inspirations.

Michael J. Fox is generally considered one of the nicest guys in Hollywood–and not just because he’s from Canada, so he feels guilty when he gets a short temper. “I often say to [those that work with me], ‘Whatever I say, just imagine I said ‘please’ at the beginning and ‘thank you’ at the end. Just take a second and absorb that I might have said that if I was more myself, but I didn’t, so I apologize.”

Fox also reflected on his health, which has become more fragile as he ages, as reflected on various broken bones he suffered recently. “I’m coming through where the last of my injuries are healing up; my arm is feeling good. Life is interesting. It deals you these things…the whole mission is: Don’t fall down.”

Fox is certainly still an inspiration. Earlier this month, he and Christopher Lloyd reunited at the New York Comic Con, with Fox emerging on stage walking without any assistance. “I’m just getting to where I’m walking steadily again,” he said. “I think it’s cool to walk by myself. It is. It’s fantastic.”

More than 30 years after his Parkinson’s diagnosis, Michael J. Fox remains positive and hopes he can bring that to others. “It’s been a struggle, but I’m happy…I say that because I hope on some level people can find happiness in spite of what they’re going through.”

Fox officially retired in 2020, so no, don’t expect to see him singing and dancing in the upcoming Back to the Future musical. He will receive the much-deserved Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award from AMPAS.

An Apple TV+ documentary about Michael J. Fox’s life and career is in the works. The official synopsis: “Intimate and honest, and produced with unprecedented access to Fox and his family, the film will chronicle Fox’s personal and professional triumphs and travails, and will explore what happens when an incurable optimist confronts an incurable disease.”

Source: People

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Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with JoBlo.com periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.