C’mon Hollywood #210

… let Terminator go!
by Sturdy

This isn’t a slam on TERMINATOR: SALVATION or TERMINATOR 3 or the Terminator TV show. This is just me saying that the Terminator franchise is dead. No one should be sad about this. In fact, if you’re a fan of the franchise, you should be thankful that it made it this far. It had no business making it past T2 and then after T3, there was absolutely no reason to carry it even further. So when you sit back and look at it; you got two movies and a TV show when you shouldn’t have gotten anything.

The reality is that the Terminator story isn’t set up to merit a franchise. The whole idea is the impending doom of “judgment day”. That, coupled with the intensity of being chased by something that can’t be stopped is what made the first two Terminator films so great. By reaching “judgment day” (or whatever you want to call it), you remove the biggest element of the franchise. Eventually, you eliminate enough of the original story that you don’t gain anything by calling it a Terminator film. And don’t underestimate Schwarzenegger; people love him and without him, the Terminator films wouldn’t be what they are today.

You can’t underestimate Auhnuld’s box office appeal

Could they make another sequel? Sure, of course they can. ANY movie can have a sequel, but that doesn’t mean every movie should have a sequel. However, I can’t imagine Warner Brothers would bother. I’m sure they’ll end up making money on Salvation, but the execs at WB have to be embarrassed that NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 beat their flagship movie of the summer, and handedly at that. Right now, WB would be better letting these lame franchises die and they should work harder on creating some new franchises (Wonder Woman and every other DC comics character).

I’m still shocked by just how much this film beat Salvation

On a side note, to me, the real loser in this whole thing is Christian Bale. I’m sure he made a few million for Salvation, but for the first time in his career, he’s receiving negative criticism for his acting. He took a chance on a film that no A-lister in their right mind would accept, got embarrassed when his temper-tantrum was made public and now has to suffer criticism for phoning in his performance. Yeah, he should write a strongly worded letter to McG, but he really has no one to blame but himself. I love him as Bruce Wayne and I like seeing him in big budget films, but he needs to get back to his roots and take some smaller, quality acting roles.

No one can say they didn’t see this coming.

Again, it’s not that I disliked any of the Terminator films, it’s that I don’t like them using the name to try and sell a science fiction film. You change the name “John Connor” to “Bob Smith” and you’d barely recognize that Salvation had anything to do with the first couple of films. Hopefully, the lackluster opening of Salvation will be enough of an indicator that the Terminator franchise is officially dead. It was a good ride, but enough is enough.

Source: Joblo.com

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